
Kohat University of Science & Technology, Pakistan has an endeavor to introduce such courses which focuses on sustainability. In this regards, we offer courses in Institute of Computing, Department of Economics, Department of Social Work & Sociology, and Department of Botanical & Environmental Sciences.  The following dimensions may be cleared about the sustainability:



The following are the courses which highlight the aspect of sustainability



Aspect of Sustainability

Institute of Computing

Web Engineering, Computer Communication & Networks, and Introductory Electronics and vice versa.

Sustainable and smart cities

Department of Economics

Energy Economics, Development Economics, Labor Economics, Agriculture Economics, operation management, and vice versa.

Energy efficiency, operational efficiency and multi-dimensional efficiencies to ensure overall sustainability

Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences

In this department, we offer many courses which covers multi-dimensionality of sustainability

Natural resources management, environmental protection, integrated farming, and vice versa.

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