About Proctorial Board

In Kohat University of Science and Technology, to maintain discipline and order in the University, there is a Proctorial Board comprising of Chief Proctor, additional Chief Proctorial Board, and staff members. Every staff member is a proctor and, therefore, can check any student in the university premises. Cases of violation of University discipline are reported to the Chief Proctor, who will immediately take appropriate action. Fines imposed by the Chief Proctor, or the Proctorial Board shall not be remitted or reduced.

Some specific responsibilities of the Proctorial Board are as follows: To maintain discipline in the Institute; ensure Institute rules are understood and followed; To keep an eye on the general moral behavior of the students To prevent the student from indulging in any political activities on Institute premises. Cases of indiscipline or indecent behavior of any student, cases of individual/ group harassment, threats, manhandling etc. are dealt strictly by the Proctorial Board.

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