Chairman Message

Technological innovation in the field of life sciences is accelerating at enormous pace. An exciting new era is dawning in the life sciences. With our ever-expanding knowledge of living organism from the most fundamental machinery of the cell to the most complex ecosystems life scientists are seeking answers to a vital questions, including how to prevent and treat life-threatening diseases and how to solve the environmental problems that threaten our planet.

The variety of cutting-edge challenges that life scientists are faceing is reflected in Department of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, where our faculty are focusing their expertise on Plant Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology and Medical and Health Biotechnology These are just a few among many examples of exciting, ongoing research programs.

The facilities and opportunities available in this department, coupled with our ongoing efforts to integrate interdisciplinary approaches to classroom and laboratory teaching in biotechnology and related fields, are strengthening our academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

I invite you to visit our Web site to learn more about the department, including our faculty, our students, our research efforts, and our educational programs leading to the bachelor of sciences (BS), master of science (MS), and doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees. The Department of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering continues to forge its leadership position in life science education and research.


Dr. Noor Muhammad


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