Research Publications


Research Publications last 5 Years

SNO Name of Author Ttitle of Paper  Name of Journal  Department  Published Year  Category IF
1 Dr. Noor Muhammad A novel mutation in the HPGD gene causing primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy with digital clubbing in a Pakistani family Annals of Human Genetics Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 2.18
2 Dr. Noor Muhammad Pakistan Genetic Mutation Database (PGMD); A centralized Pakistani mutome data source”      European Journal of Medical Genetics; 61(4) 204-208. Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 2.465
3 Dr. Noor Muhammad A Homozygous Missense Mutation in SLC25A16 is Associated with Autosomal Recessive Isolated Fingernail Dysplasia in a Pakistani Family  178(2) 556-558. British Journal of Dermatology Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 11.113
4 Dr. Noor Muhammad Novel RAG1 mutation and
the occurrence of mycobacterial and Chromobacterium violaceum infections in a case of leaky SCID
Pathogenesis; 109:114-119
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 3.848
5 Dr. Noor Muhammad Punica granatum peel
extracts: HPLC fractionation and LC MS analysis to quest compounds having activity against multidrug resistant bacteria
Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 17(1) 247
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 2.838
6 Dr. Noor Muhammad Molecular detection of
rifampicin resistance by GeneXpert® assay among treated and untreated pulmonary tuberculosis patients from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Journal of
Global Anti-Microbial Resistance 9:118-120
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 4.349
7 Dr. Noor Muhammad A novel mutation in
homeobox DNA binding domain of HOXC13 gene underlies pure hair and nail ectodermal dysplasia (ECTD9) in a Pakistani family
BMC Medical
Genetics 18 (1) 1-5.    
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 2.023
8 Dr. Noor Muhammad CTX-M-15 and OXA-10
beta lactamases in multi drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: First report from Pakistan
Pathogenesis; 105: 240-244
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 3.848
9 Dr. Noor Muhammad Molecular identification
of TEM-116 beta-lactamase gene in isolates of pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A first report from Pakistan
Tropical Journal
 of Pharmaceutical Research; 17:149-154.
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 0.523
10 Dr. Noor Muhammad Non-Viral Vectors for Cystic
Fibrosis Therapy: Recent Advances
 Journal of Genetic Disorder and Genetic Report. Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 0
11 Dr. Noor Muhammad Mutation in Phospholipase
C, δ1 (PLCD1) gene underlies hereditary leukonychia in a Pashtun family and review of the literature
Balkan Journal
of Medical Genetics. 21(1) 69-72
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 0.81
12 Dr. Noor Muhammad Chemical characterization,
 analgesic, antioxidant, and anticholinesterase potentials of essential oils from Isodon rugosus Wall. ex. Benth
Frontiers in
Pharmacology; (9):623.   
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 5.988
13 Dr. Noor Muhammad Aberrant Promoter
Methylation Status is associated with Up-Regulation of E2F4 Gene in Breast Cancer
Letters 15 (6) 8461-8469
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 3.111
14 Dr. Noor Muhammad Biallelic mutations in the
LPAR6 gene causing autosomal recessive wooly hair/hypotrichosis phenotype in five Pakistani families
Journal of Dermatology; 58(8) 946-952
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 3.204
15 Dr. Noor Muhammad Genetic study of Khyber-
Pukhtunkhwa resident Pakistani families presenting primary microcephaly with intellectual disability
Journal of the
Pakistan Medical Association; 69(12) 1812-1816
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 1.002
16 Dr. Noor Muhammad Deleterious Variants in
WNT10A, EDAR, and EDA Causing Isolated and Syndromic Tooth Agenesis: A Structural Perspective from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Journal of Molecular Sciences; 20(21) 5282
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 6.208
17 Dr. Noor Muhammad Genetic spectrum of
syndromic and non-syndromic hearing loss in Pakistani families
Genes; 11
(11) 1329
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 4.141
18 Dr. Noor Muhammad Homozygous variants of
EDAR underlying hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in three consanguineous families
Journal of Dermatology; 30(4) 408-416
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 2.805
19 Dr. Noor Muhammad A novel nonsense variant in
SLC24A4 causing a rare form of amelogenesis imperfecta in a Pakistani family
BMC Medical
Genetics. 21(1):97 
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 2.023
20 Dr. Noor Muhammad Association of sequence
variants in frizzled-6 with autosomal recessive nail dysplasia (NDNC-10) in Pashtun families
Journal of
Pakistan Medical Association; 70(1) 143-146
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 1.002
21 Dr. Noor Muhammad Aqueous Two Phase System
 for the Isolation and Partial Purification of Lipases from Soil Bacteria
Iranian Journal
of Chemistry and Chem Eng; 39(6) 281-292
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 1.903
22 Dr. Noor Muhammad Mutation screening of
 multiple Pakistani MCPH families revealed novel and recurrent protein‐truncating mutations of ASPM
and Applied Biochemistry; 1-8
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021 W 2.724
23 Dr. Noor Muhammad Whole exome sequencing
 confirms molecular diagnostics of three Pakhtun families with autosomal recessive epidermolysis bullosa
Frontiers in
Pediatrics; 9:1-8. 
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021 W 3.569
24 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Drinking Water Quality Status and Contamination in Pakistan-A Review Biomed Research International Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 3.25
25 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Seed priming by sodium nitroprusside improves salt tolerance in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) by enhancing physiological and biochemical parameters Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 5.44
26 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Mix cropping of legume (VignaRadiata) and non-legume (Zea Mays) crops alleviates water stress as revealed by growth and biochemical parameters Acta Physiologiae Plantarum Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 2.74
27 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Heavy metals induced lipid peroxidation in spinach Mediated with microbes Pakistan Journal of Botany Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 X 1.1
28 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Chlorpyrifos and lambda cyhalothrin-induced stress in human erythrocytes: In vitro studies” Toxicology and Industrial Health Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 1.85
29 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Genome-wide idenfication of membrane-bound fatty acid desaturase genes in Gossypium hirsutum and their expressions during abiotic stress Scientific Reports Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 4.99
30 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Halophilic bacteria mediated phytoremediation of salt-affected soils cultivated with rice Journal of Geochemical Exploration Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 4.17
31 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Potential of Duckweed (Lemna minor) for the Phytoremediation of Landfill Leachate Journal of Chemistry Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 3.93
32 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Ecotoxicological evaluation of two anti-dandruff hair shampoos using Lemna minor. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 3.31
33 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Effect of Bisphenol A-induced Oxidative Stress on the Ultra Structure and Antioxidant Defence System of Arabidopsis thialianaLeaves”  Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 X 1.87
34 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
QTL Mapping and Heterosis Analysis for Fiber Quality Traits Across Multiple Genetic Populations and Environments in Upland Cotton”  Frontiers in Plant Science Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 6.63
35 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Use of various biomarkers to explore the effects of GSM and GSM-like radiations on flowering plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 5.19
36 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Pesticide-induced oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seedlings Ecotoxicology Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 2.94
37 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Sugarcane waste straw biochar and its effects on calcareous soil and agronomic traits of okra”  Arabian Journal of Geosciences Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 1.827 (2020)
38 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Pesticides-Induced Physiological, Metabolic and Ultramorphological Alterations in Leaves of Young Seedlings of Maize” Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 1.87
39 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Physiological, ultrastructural, biochemical and molecular responses of glandless cotton to hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) exposure Environmental Pollution Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 10
40 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Exploring geochemical assessment and spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils of Southern KP, Pakistan: employing multivariate analysis International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 2.73
41 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Biochar impact on microbial population and elemental composition of red soil Arabian Journal of Geosciences Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 x 1.827 (2020)
42 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Dynamics of AB-DTPA-extractable Zn in high and low limed calcareous soils amended with biochar and farmyard and poultry manures Arabian Journal of Geosciences Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 x 1.827 (2020)
43 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Reduced glutathione protects subcellular compartments from Pb-induced ROS injury in leaves and roots of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Frontiers in Plant Science Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 6.63
44 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Responses of morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings to atrazine stress,  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 3.31
45 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Multivariate geo-statistical perspective: evaluation of agricultural soil contaminated by industrial estate’s effluents Environmental Geochemistry and Health Biotechnology & GE  2021 W 4.9
46 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Mercury-Induced Phytotoxicity and Responses in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Seedlings Plants Biotechnology & GE  2021 W 4.66
47 Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Daud Khan
Chromium (VI)‑Induced Leaf‑Based Differential Physiological, Metabolic and Microstructural Changes in Two Transgenic Cotton Cultivars (J208, Z905) and Their Hybrid Line (ZD14) Journal of Plant Growth Regulation Biotechnology & GE  2021 W 4.64
48 Dr. Niamat Khan MPA modulates tight junctions’ permeability via midkine/PI3K pathway in Caco-2 cells: A possible mechanism of leak-flux diarrhea in organ transplanted patients.  Front. Physiol., Biotechnology & GE  2017 W 5,288
49 Dr. Niamat Khan A novel nonsense variant in SLC24A4 causing a rare form of amelogenesis imperfecta in a Pakistani family.  BMC Medical Genetics Biotechnology & GE  2020 X 1.988
50 Dr. Niamat Khan Biochar impact on microbial population and elemental composition of red soil Arabian Journal of Geosciences Biotechnology & GE  2020 X 1.827
51 Dr. Niamat Khan USH2A gene variants cause Keratoconus and Usher syndrome phenotypes  BMC Ophthalmol  Biotechnology & GE  2021 W 2.181
52 Dr. Niamat Khan Current Analytical Strategies in Studying Chromatin-Associated-Proteome (Chromatome).  Molecules Biotechnology & GE  2021 W 4.411
53 Dr. Niamat Khan Novel mutations in PDE6A and CDHR1 cause retinitis pigmentosa in Pakistani families.  Int J Ophthalmol. Biotechnology & GE  2021 X 1.57
54 Dr. Niamat Khan Salmonella Typhi from Northwest Pakistan: Molecular Strain Typing and Drug Resistance Signature.  Microb Drug Resist Biotechnology & GE  2022 X 3.431
55 Dr. Niamat Khan Fragile X premutation carrier screening in Pakistani preconception women in primary care consultation.   BMC Women's Health  Biotechnology & GE  2022 W 1.353
56 Dr. Niamat Khan Maternal FMR1 alleles expansion in newborns during transmission: a prospective cohort study Pediatric Research Biotechnology & GE  2022 W 3.75
57 Dr. Saadullah Khan A novel mutation in homeobox DNA binding domain of HOXC13 gene underlies pure hair and nail ectodermal dysplasia (ECTD9) in a Pakistani family BMC Medical Genetics Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 2.103
58 Dr. Saadullah Khan Identification and in silico analysis of GALNS mutations causing Morquio A syndrome in eight consanguineous families Turk J Biol  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 1.452
59 Dr. Saadullah Khan Ophthalmo-genetic analysis of Pakistani patients with nonsyndromic oculocutaneous albinism through whole exomese quenching J Pak Med Assoc  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 0.781
60 Dr. Saadullah Khan CTX-M-15 and OXA-10 beta lactamases in multi drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: First report from Pakistan Microbial Pathogenesis  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 3.738
61 Dr. Saadullah Khan Homozygous SLCO2A1 Translation Initiation Codon Mutation in a Pakistani Family with Recessive Isolated Congenital Nail Clubbing (ICNC) Br J Dermatol  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 9.302
62 Dr. Saadullah Khan Molecular genetic analysis of consanguineous families with primary microcephaly identified pathogenic variants in the ASPM gene Journal of Genetics  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 1.166
63 Dr. Saadullah Khan Novel sequence variants in the MKKS gene cause Bardet-Biedl syndrome with intra- and inter-familial variable phenotypes Congenit Anom (Kyoto) Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W  
64 Dr. Saadullah Khan A novel mutation in the HPGD gene causing primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy with digital clubbing in a Pakistani family Annals of Human Genetics Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 1.67
65 Dr. Saadullah Khan Pakistan Genetic Mutation Database (PGMD); A centralized Pakistani mutome data source European J of Medical Genetics Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 2.468
66 Dr. Saadullah Khan Novel mutations in ALDH1A3 associated with autosomal recessive anophthalmia/microphthalmia, and review of the literature BMC Medical Genetics Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 2.103
67 Dr. Saadullah Khan Mutation in Phospholipase C, δ1 (PLCD1) gene underlies hereditary leukonychia in a Pashtun family and review of the literature Balkan J of Medical Genetics Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 0.519
68 Dr. Saadullah Khan Novel autosomal recessive LAMA3 and PLEC variants underlie junctional epidermolysis bullosa generalized intermediate and epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy in two consanguineous families Clin Exp Dermatol Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 3.47
69 Dr. Saadullah Khan Molecular Characterization of β-Thalassemia Mutations Via the Amplification Refractory Mutation System-Polymerase Chain Reaction Method at the North Waziristan Agency, Pakistan Hemoglobin Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 0.849
70 Dr. Saadullah Khan Whole exome sequencing identifies a novel dominant missense mutation underlying leukonychia in a Pakistani family. J Hum Genet. Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 3.172
71 Dr. Saadullah Khan Novel candidate genes and variants underlying autosomal recessive neurodevelopmental disorders with intellectual disability. Human Genetics Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 4.132 
72 Dr. Saadullah Khan Novel Sequence Variants in the MKKS Gene Cause Bardet-Biedl Syndrome with Intra- and Inter-Familial Variable Phenotypes CongenitAnom Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 1.409
73 Dr. Saadullah Khan Variants in KIAA0825 underlie autosomal recessive postaxial polydactyly Hum Genet Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 4.132
74 Dr. Saadullah Khan Genetic studies of multiple consanguineous Pakistani families segregating oculocutaneous albinism identified novel and reported mutations Ann Hum Genet  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 1.67
75 Dr. Saadullah Khan Biallelic mutations in the LPAR6 gene causing autosomal recessive wooly hair/hypotrichosis phenotype in five Pakistani families Int J Dermatol  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 2.736
76 Dr. Saadullah Khan A novel pathogenic missense variant in CNNM4 underlying Jalili syndrome: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations Mol Genet Genomic Med Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 2.183
77 Dr. Saadullah Khan Deleterious Variants in WNT10A, EDAR, and EDA Causing Isolated and Syndromic Tooth Agenesis: A Structural Perspective from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Int J Mol Sci Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 5.923
78 Dr. Saadullah Khan Genetic study of Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa resident Pakistani families presenting primary microcephaly with intellectual disability J Pak Med Assoc Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 0.781
79 Dr. Saadullah Khan Association of sequence variants in frizzled-6 with autosomal recessive nail dysplasia (NDNC-10) in Pashtun families J Pak Med Assoc Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 0.781
80 Dr. Saadullah Khan A novel missense variant in the BBS7 gene underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome in a consanguineous Pakistani family Clin Dysmorphol Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 0.816
81 Dr. Saadullah Khan Homozygous variants of EDAR underlying hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in three consanguineous families Eur J Dermatol Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 3.328
82 Dr. Saadullah Khan A novel nonsense variant in SLC24A4 causing a rare form of amelogenesis imperfecta in a Pakistani family BMC Med Genet Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 2.103
83 Dr. Saadullah Khan Genetic Spectrum of Syndromic and Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss in Pakistani Families Genes (Basel) Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020 W 4.096
84 Dr. Saadullah Khan The molecular genetics of UV-Sensitive syndrome: A rare dermal anomaly J Pak Med Assoc Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021 W 0.781
85 Dr. Saadullah Khan Homozygosity mapping coupled with whole-exome sequencing and protein modelling identified a novel missense mutation in GUCY2D in a consanguineous Pakistani family with Leber congenital amaurosis Journal of Genetics  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021 W 1.161
86 Dr. Saadullah Khan A novel protein truncating mutation in L2HGDH causes L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria in a consanguineous Pakistani family Metab Brain Dis Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021 W 3.584
87 Dr. Saadullah Khan Mutation screening of multiple Pakistani MCPH families revealed novel and recurrent protein-truncating mutations of ASPM Biotechnol Appl Biochem Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021 W 2.431
88 Dr. Saadullah Khan Novel Homozygous Mutations in the Genes TGM1, SULT2B1, SPINK5 and FLG in Four Families Underlying Congenital Ichthyosis Genes (Basel) Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021 W 4.096
89 Dr. Saadullah Khan Novel splicing‐site mutation in DCAF17 gene causing Woodhouse‐Sakati syndrome in a large consanguineous family J of Clinical Laboratory Analysis Biotechnology & GE  2021 W 2.352
90 Dr. Saadullah Khan Whole Exome Sequencing Confirms Molecular Diagnostics of Three Pakhtun Families With Autosomal Recessive Epidermolysis Bullosa Frontiers in Pediatrics Biotechnology & GE  2021 W 3.418
91 Dr. Saadullah Khan The First Report of a Missense Variant in RFX2 Causing Non-Syndromic Tooth Agenesis in a Consanguineous Pakistani Family Frontiers in Genetics  Biotechnology & GE  2021 W 4.599
92 Dr. Saadullah Khan Biallelic variants in WARS1 cause a highly variable neurodevelopmental syndrome and implicate a critical exon for normal auditory function Hum Mutation Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2022 W 4.7
93 Dr. Bibi Shamim Saleha  Awareness of diverse bacterial flora distribution causing pneumonia in Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies  Biotechnolgy & Genetic Engineering  2017    
94 Dr. Bibi Shamim Saleha Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a Powerful Biofilm Producer and Positive Action of Amikacin Against Isolates From Chronic Wounds Jundishapur J Microbiol.  Biotechnolgy & Genetic Engineering  2017    
95 Dr. Bibi Shamim Saleha Bacterial Contribution in Chronicity of Wounds: A review Microbial Ecology Biotechnolgy & Genetic Engineering  2017    
96 Dr. Bibi Shamim Saleha Genetic Defects Underlie the Non-syndromic Autosomal Recessive Intellectual Disability: a review Open Life Sciences Biotechnolgy & Genetic Engineering  2017    
97 Dr. Nawab Ali Biodegradation of petroleum by bacteria isolated from fishes of Indian oceanBiodegradation of petroleum by bacteria isolated from fishes of Indian ocean Brazilian Journal of Biology Biotechnology 2021 X 1.32
98 Dr. Nawab Ali Molecular Characterization, and production of bacterial amylases from Shahdara Springs, Pakistan Applied Ecology and Environmental Research  Biotechnology 2020 X 0.86
99 Dr. Nawab Ali Association of serotype with antimicrobial resistance patterns among Shigella flexneri isolates from Pakistan: The importance of serotype 2b Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  Biotechnology 2020 W 3.05
100 Dr. Nawab Ali Protease producing Pseudeumonas aeruginosa strain IBC-2 from coal mines of Aorakzai Agency, Pakistan Applied Ecology and Environmental Research  Biotechnology 2019 X 0.86
101 Dr. Nawab Ali Biochemical Identification of Lactobacilli from chicken intestine and their potential probiotic activity Pure and Applied Biology Biotechnology 2019 Y NA
102 Dr. Nawab Ali Evaluation of crude saponins, methanolic extract and subsequent fractions from Isodonrugosus Wall. Ex Benth: potentials of antiangeogenesis in egg and anti-tumourigenesis in potato Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Biotechnology 2019 Y 0.87
103 Dr. Nawab Ali Elemental, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of a medicinal plant Sorgham Halepense Pure and Applied Biology Biotechnology 2019 Y NA
104 Dr. Nawab Ali Assessment of biochemical parameters and genotoxicity of rice (Oryza sativa) variation treated with zinc sulfate and boric acid International Journal of Agriculture and Biology Biotechnology 2018 NA NA
105 Dr. Nawab Ali Traditional medicines and their in-vitro proof against Stapylococcus aureus in Pakistan Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine Biotechnology 2018 X 2.62
106 Dr. Nawab Ali Incidence of human plasmodiasis in Northern and Southern Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Pakistan Journal of Zoology Biotechnology 2018 X 0.78
107 Dr. Nawab Ali Aberrant promoter methylation status is associated with up-regulation of E2F4 gene in Breast Cancer Oncology Letters Biotechnology 2018 X 2.97
108 Dr. Nawab Ali Molecular Characterization and growth optimization of halo-tolerant amylase producing bacteria isolated from salt mines of Karak, Pakistan Pure and applied Biology Biotechnology 2017 Y NA
109 Dr. Nawab Ali CTX-M-15 and OXA-10 beta lactamases in multi drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: First report from Pakistan Microbial Pathogenesis Biotechnology 2017 W 3.79
110 Dr. Nawab Ali Phytochemical profile, antimicrobial potential and GC-MS analysis of wild variety of Olea Europaea(Olive) cultivated in Pakistan Pure and Applied Biology Biotechnology 2017 Y NA
111 Dr. Nawab Ali Molecular detection of rifampicin resistance by GeneXpert assay among treated and untreated pulmonary tuberculosis patients from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance  Biotechnology 2017 X 3.24
112 Dr. Nawab Ali Molecular prevalence of hepatitis
Cvirus genotypes in district Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Pure and Applied Biology Biotechnology 2017 Y NA
113 Dr. Zia Ur Rehman Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Enhance the Tolerance and Remediation Potential of Bacillus spp. against Heavy Metal Stress Adsorption Science & Technology Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 2021 W 4.232
114 Dr. Zia Ur Rehman Synergistic Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Bacteria Reduce Heavy Metals Toxicity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant.  Toxics Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 2021 W 4.546
115 Dr. Zia Ur Rehman Phosphatidic acid-mediated binding and mammalian cell internalization of the Vibrio cholerae cytotoxin MakA.  Plos Pathogens Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 2021 W 7.464
116 Dr. Zia Ur Rehman Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Pregnant Women of Lakki Marwat and Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.  Pakistan Journal of Zoology Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 2020 X 0.831
117 Dr. Zia Ur Rehman Endocytosis and Endosomal Escape of Gene Delivery Vectors.  Accounts of Chemical Research Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 2019 W 22.38
118 Dr. Zia Ur Rehman Barriers and recent advances in non-viral vectors targeting the lungs for cystic fibrosis gene therapy Nanomedicine Journal  Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 2019 Y  
119 Dr. Zia Ur Rehman Bio- assessment and remediation of arsenic (arsenite As-III) in water by Euglena gracilis.  J Appl Phycol  Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 2018 W 3.016
120 Dr. Zia Ur Rehman CTX-M-15 and OXA-10 beta lactamases in multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: First report from Pakistan. Microb Pathog Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 2017 W 2.914
121 Dr. Muhammad Jamil ombined effect of Zinc oxide nanoparticles and Bacteria on osmolytes and anti-oxidative parameters of rice (Oryza sativa. L) plant grown in heavy metals contaminated water.  Adsorption Science & Technology  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2022   4.2
122 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Genome-wide study and expression analysis of Nodule-inception-like protein (NLP) gene family in Physcomitrella patens reveal its role in nitrogen response.  Pak. J. Bot. Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2022   1.2
123 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Combine Effect of ZnO NPs and Bacteria on Protein and Gene’s Expression Profile of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant.  Adsorption Science & Technology Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2022   4.4
124 Dr. Muhammad Jamil  Biological control of fungal pathogens of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) by chitinolytic bacterial strains. Journal of Basic Microbiology Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2022   2.28
125 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Zinc oxide nanoparticles enhance the tolerance and remediation potential of Bacillus spp. against heavy metals stress Adsorption Science & Technology Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021   4.4
126 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Combined Application of Two Bacillus Species Enhance Phytoremediation Potential of Brassica napus in an Industrial Metal-Contaminated Soil.  International Journal of Phytoremediation Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021   3.21
127 Dr. Muhammad Jamil of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Bacteria Reduce Heavy Metals Toxicity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant Toxics Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021   4.37
128 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Chromium (VI)Induced LeafBased Deferential Physiological, Metabolic and Microstructural Changes in Two Transgenic Cotton Cultivars (J208, Z905) and Their Hybrid Line (ZD14).  Journal of Plant Growth Regulation Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021   2.17
129 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Multivariate geo-statistical perspective: Evaluation of agricultural soil contaminated by industrial estate's effluents. Environmental Geochemistry and Health Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021   3.47
130 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Assessment of heavy metal tolerance and reduction potential of bacillus sp. isolated from the soils contaminated with industrial effluents.  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021   0.7
131 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Biosynthesized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) Mitigate Arsenic Toxicity in Rice Seedlings.  Toxics  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020   4.37
132 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Plant-Derived Smoke Affects Biochemical Mechanism in Plants.  International Journal of Molecular Sciences  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020   4.56
133 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Remediating effect of smoke solution on Shoot of two rice (oryza sativa l.) Cultivars Under lead contaminated water.  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020   0.7
134 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Bacteria; An Efficient Bioremediator of Heavy Metals.  Journal of Bio-Molecular Sciences Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020    
135 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Smoke regulates GA and ABA responsive cis-elements in germinating rice seeds.  Pakistan Journal of Botany Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020   1.2
136 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Effect of nickel on the germination and biochemical parameters of two rice varieties.  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020   0.7
137 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Role of halotolerant and chitinolytic bacteria in phytoremediation of saline soil using spinach plant,  International Journal of Phytoremediation Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020   2.57
138 Dr. Muhammad Jamil  Pesticide-Induced Physiological, Metabolic and  ultramorphological Alterations in Leaves of Young Maize Seedlings.  Polish Journal of Environmental Studies  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2020   1.38
139 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Bacillus Cereus enhanced phytoremediation ability of rice seedlings under Cadmium toxicity.  BioMed Research International Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019   2.58
140 Dr. Muhammad Jamil In situ Impact of the Antagonistic Fungal Strain, Trichoderma gamsii T30 on the Plant Pathogenic Fungus, Rhizoctonia solani in Soil.  Polish Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology & GE  2019   1.38
141 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Effect of planting density on yield and yield components in different castor beans varieties (Ricinus communis L).  Life Science Journal Biotechnology & GE  2019    
142 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Molecular Responses of Maize Shoot to a Plant Derived Smoke Solution. International  International Journal of Molecular Sciences  Biotechnology & GE  2019   4.56
143 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Biochemical and molecular characterizations of salt and phytohormones-induced changes in roots and shoots of rice seedlings.  Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences Biotechnology & GE  2018   0.8
144 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Effect of wastewater on physiological and biochemical characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.).  Intercienia Journal  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018   0.28
145 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Antifungal potential of Trichoderma strains originated from north western regions of Pakistan against the plant pathogens.  Pakistan Journal of Botany Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018   0.8
146 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Heavy metals induced lipid peroxidation in spinach mediated with microbes.  Pakistan Journal of Botany Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017   0.8
147 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Pb-induced changes in roots of two cultivated rice cultivars grown in lead-contaminated soil mediated by smoke.  Environment Science and Pollution Research Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017   3.31
148 Dr. Muhammad Jamil  Bacillus safensis with Plant Derived Smoke stimulates Rice growth under Saline Conditions.  Environment Science and Pollution Research Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017   3.31
149 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Analysis of salinity tolerance potential in synthetic hexaploid wheat.  Pakistan Journal of Botany  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017   0.8
150 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Physiological and biochemical responses of maize (zea mays l.) to plant derived smoke solution.  Pakistan Journal of Botany Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017   0.8
151 Dr. Muhammad Jamil  Molecular prevalence of hepatitis C virus genotypes in district Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.  Pure and Applied Biology  Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017    
152 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Smoke Priming Regulates Growth and the Expression of Myeloblastosis and Zinc-Finger Genes in Rice under Salt.  Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017   1.7
153 Dr. Muhammad Jamil Halophilic bacteria mediated phytoremediation of salt-affected soils cultivated with rice.  Journal of Geochemical Exploration Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017   3.37
154 Abid JAN Homozygous SLCO2A1 translation initiation codon mutation in a Pakistani family with recessive isolated congenital nail clubbing Br J Dermatol Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 11.11
155 Abid JAN Sequence variants in nine different genes underlying rare skin disorders in 10 consanguineous families Int J Dermatol Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 2.73
156 Abid JAN Sequence variants in four genes underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome in consanguineous families Mol Vis Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 2.4
157 Abid JAN Exome sequencing reveals a novel homozygous splice site variant in the WNT1 gene underlying osteogenesis imperfecta type 3 Pediatr Res Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 3.4
158 Abid JAN Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome and Profound Deafness Resulted by Sequence Variants in the EVC2 and TMC1 Genes in a Consanguineous Family and EvC syndrome by a Compound Heterozygous variant in the EVC Gene in a Non-Consanguineous Family J Genet Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2017 W 4.3
159 Abid JAN Novel autosomal recessive LAMA3 and PLEC variants underlie junctional epidermolysis bullosa generalized intermediate and epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy in two consanguineous families Clin Exp Dermatol Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 3.5
160 Abid JAN A variant in LMX1A causes autosomal recessive severe-to-profound hearing impairment Hum Genet Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 4.1
161 Abid JAN Sequence variants in GDF5 and TRPS1 underlie brachydactyly and tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome type III Pediatr Int Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2018 W 1.5
162 Abid JAN Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome in a family is associated with a homozygous start loss mutation in the DCAF17 gene Clin Exp Dermatol Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 3.5
163 Abid JAN A novel homozygous sequence variant in GLI1 underlies first case of autosomal recessive pre-axial polydactyly Clin Genet Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2019 W 4.4
164 Abid JAN Novel mutations in PDE6A and CDHR1 cause retinitis pigmentosa in Pakistani families Int J Ophthalmol Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering  2021 W 1.8
165 Rehan Naeem High throughput DNA extraction and optimization of PCR efficiency for barley SSRs genotyping Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Biotechnology & GE  2017    
166 Rehan Naeem Antimicrobial and Antiurease Potential of Diorganotin (IV) Schiff Bases Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Biotechnology & GE  2018    
167 Rehan Naeem Genetic diversity among asparagus species and cultivars using SSR markers.  Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management  Biotechnology & GE  2018    
168 Rehan Naeem Genetic diversity among Asparagus species using morphological characteristics and RAPD markers in Pakistan. Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management Biotechnology & GE  2019    
169 Rehan Naeem Pesticide-induced physiological, metabolic and ultramorphological alterations in leaves of young maize seedlings.  Polish Journal of Environmental Studies  Biotechnology & GE  2020    
170 Rehan Naeem Cornus macrophylla, the Antibacterial Activity of Organic Leaf Extracts and the Characterization of the More Lipophilic Components by GC/MS  Molecules Biotechnology & GE  2020    
171 Rehan Naeem Assessment of heavy metal tolerance and reduction potential of Bacillus sp. isolated from the soils contaminated with industrial effluents.  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Biotechnology & GE  2021    
172 Rehan Naeem Assessment of Microsatellite Markers (SSRs) For Genetic Diversity in Asparagus Officinalis L. And Allied Species. Bangladesh Journal of Botany Biotechnology & GE  2021    



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