Research Publications
Research Publications last 5 Years
SNO | Name of Author | Ttitle of Paper | Name of Journal | Department | Published Year | Category | IF |
1 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | A novel mutation in the HPGD gene causing primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy with digital clubbing in a Pakistani family | Annals of Human Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.18 |
2 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Pakistan Genetic Mutation Database (PGMD); A centralized Pakistani mutome data source” | European Journal of Medical Genetics; 61(4) 204-208. | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.465 |
3 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | A Homozygous Missense Mutation in SLC25A16 is Associated with Autosomal Recessive Isolated Fingernail Dysplasia in a Pakistani Family 178(2) 556-558. | British Journal of Dermatology | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 11.113 |
4 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Novel RAG1 mutation and the occurrence of mycobacterial and Chromobacterium violaceum infections in a case of leaky SCID |
Microbial Pathogenesis; 109:114-119 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 3.848 |
5 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Punica granatum peel extracts: HPLC fractionation and LC MS analysis to quest compounds having activity against multidrug resistant bacteria |
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 17(1) 247 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.838 |
6 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Molecular detection of rifampicin resistance by GeneXpert® assay among treated and untreated pulmonary tuberculosis patients from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan |
Journal of Global Anti-Microbial Resistance 9:118-120 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 4.349 |
7 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | A novel mutation in homeobox DNA binding domain of HOXC13 gene underlies pure hair and nail ectodermal dysplasia (ECTD9) in a Pakistani family |
BMC Medical Genetics 18 (1) 1-5. |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.023 |
8 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | CTX-M-15 and OXA-10 beta lactamases in multi drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: First report from Pakistan |
Microbial Pathogenesis; 105: 240-244 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 3.848 |
9 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Molecular identification of TEM-116 beta-lactamase gene in isolates of pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A first report from Pakistan |
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research; 17:149-154. |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 0.523 |
10 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Non-Viral Vectors for Cystic Fibrosis Therapy: Recent Advances |
Journal of Genetic Disorder and Genetic Report. | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 0 |
11 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Mutation in Phospholipase C, δ1 (PLCD1) gene underlies hereditary leukonychia in a Pashtun family and review of the literature |
Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics. 21(1) 69-72 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 0.81 |
12 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Chemical characterization, analgesic, antioxidant, and anticholinesterase potentials of essential oils from Isodon rugosus Wall. ex. Benth |
Frontiers in Pharmacology; (9):623. |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 5.988 |
13 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Aberrant Promoter Methylation Status is associated with Up-Regulation of E2F4 Gene in Breast Cancer |
Oncology Letters 15 (6) 8461-8469 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 3.111 |
14 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Biallelic mutations in the LPAR6 gene causing autosomal recessive wooly hair/hypotrichosis phenotype in five Pakistani families |
International Journal of Dermatology; 58(8) 946-952 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 3.204 |
15 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Genetic study of Khyber- Pukhtunkhwa resident Pakistani families presenting primary microcephaly with intellectual disability |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association; 69(12) 1812-1816 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 1.002 |
16 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Deleterious Variants in WNT10A, EDAR, and EDA Causing Isolated and Syndromic Tooth Agenesis: A Structural Perspective from Molecular Dynamics Simulations |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences; 20(21) 5282 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 6.208 |
17 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Genetic spectrum of syndromic and non-syndromic hearing loss in Pakistani families |
Genes; 11 (11) 1329 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 4.141 |
18 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Homozygous variants of EDAR underlying hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in three consanguineous families |
European Journal of Dermatology; 30(4) 408-416 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 2.805 |
19 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | A novel nonsense variant in SLC24A4 causing a rare form of amelogenesis imperfecta in a Pakistani family |
BMC Medical Genetics. 21(1):97 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 2.023 |
20 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Association of sequence variants in frizzled-6 with autosomal recessive nail dysplasia (NDNC-10) in Pashtun families |
Journal of Pakistan Medical Association; 70(1) 143-146 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 1.002 |
21 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Aqueous Two Phase System for the Isolation and Partial Purification of Lipases from Soil Bacteria |
Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chem Eng; 39(6) 281-292 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 1.903 |
22 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Mutation screening of multiple Pakistani MCPH families revealed novel and recurrent protein‐truncating mutations of ASPM |
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry; 1-8 |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | W | 2.724 |
23 | Dr. Noor Muhammad | Whole exome sequencing confirms molecular diagnostics of three Pakhtun families with autosomal recessive epidermolysis bullosa |
Frontiers in Pediatrics; 9:1-8. |
Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | W | 3.569 |
24 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Drinking Water Quality Status and Contamination in Pakistan-A Review | Biomed Research International | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 3.25 |
25 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Seed priming by sodium nitroprusside improves salt tolerance in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) by enhancing physiological and biochemical parameters | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 5.44 |
26 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Mix cropping of legume (VignaRadiata) and non-legume (Zea Mays) crops alleviates water stress as revealed by growth and biochemical parameters | Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.74 |
27 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Heavy metals induced lipid peroxidation in spinach Mediated with microbes | Pakistan Journal of Botany | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | X | 1.1 |
28 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Chlorpyrifos and lambda cyhalothrin-induced stress in human erythrocytes: In vitro studies” | Toxicology and Industrial Health | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 1.85 |
29 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Genome-wide idenfication of membrane-bound fatty acid desaturase genes in Gossypium hirsutum and their expressions during abiotic stress | Scientific Reports | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 4.99 |
30 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Halophilic bacteria mediated phytoremediation of salt-affected soils cultivated with rice | Journal of Geochemical Exploration | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 4.17 |
31 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Potential of Duckweed (Lemna minor) for the Phytoremediation of Landfill Leachate | Journal of Chemistry | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 3.93 |
32 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Ecotoxicological evaluation of two anti-dandruff hair shampoos using Lemna minor. | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 3.31 |
33 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Effect of Bisphenol A-induced Oxidative Stress on the Ultra Structure and Antioxidant Defence System of Arabidopsis thialianaLeaves” | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | X | 1.87 |
34 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
QTL Mapping and Heterosis Analysis for Fiber Quality Traits Across Multiple Genetic Populations and Environments in Upland Cotton” | Frontiers in Plant Science | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 6.63 |
35 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Use of various biomarkers to explore the effects of GSM and GSM-like radiations on flowering plants. | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 5.19 |
36 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Pesticide-induced oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seedlings | Ecotoxicology | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 2.94 |
37 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Sugarcane waste straw biochar and its effects on calcareous soil and agronomic traits of okra” | Arabian Journal of Geosciences | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 1.827 (2020) |
38 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Pesticides-Induced Physiological, Metabolic and Ultramorphological Alterations in Leaves of Young Seedlings of Maize” | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 1.87 |
39 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Physiological, ultrastructural, biochemical and molecular responses of glandless cotton to hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) exposure | Environmental Pollution | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 10 |
40 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Exploring geochemical assessment and spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils of Southern KP, Pakistan: employing multivariate analysis | International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 2.73 |
41 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Biochar impact on microbial population and elemental composition of red soil | Arabian Journal of Geosciences | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | x | 1.827 (2020) |
42 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Dynamics of AB-DTPA-extractable Zn in high and low limed calcareous soils amended with biochar and farmyard and poultry manures | Arabian Journal of Geosciences | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | x | 1.827 (2020) |
43 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Reduced glutathione protects subcellular compartments from Pb-induced ROS injury in leaves and roots of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) | Frontiers in Plant Science | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 6.63 |
44 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Responses of morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings to atrazine stress, | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 3.31 |
45 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Multivariate geo-statistical perspective: evaluation of agricultural soil contaminated by industrial estate’s effluents | Environmental Geochemistry and Health | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | W | 4.9 |
46 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Mercury-Induced Phytotoxicity and Responses in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Seedlings | Plants | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | W | 4.66 |
47 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan |
Chromium (VI)‑Induced Leaf‑Based Differential Physiological, Metabolic and Microstructural Changes in Two Transgenic Cotton Cultivars (J208, Z905) and Their Hybrid Line (ZD14) | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | W | 4.64 |
48 | Dr. Niamat Khan | MPA modulates tight junctions’ permeability via midkine/PI3K pathway in Caco-2 cells: A possible mechanism of leak-flux diarrhea in organ transplanted patients. | Front. Physiol., | Biotechnology & GE | 2017 | W | 5,288 |
49 | Dr. Niamat Khan | A novel nonsense variant in SLC24A4 causing a rare form of amelogenesis imperfecta in a Pakistani family. | BMC Medical Genetics | Biotechnology & GE | 2020 | X | 1.988 |
50 | Dr. Niamat Khan | Biochar impact on microbial population and elemental composition of red soil | Arabian Journal of Geosciences | Biotechnology & GE | 2020 | X | 1.827 |
51 | Dr. Niamat Khan | USH2A gene variants cause Keratoconus and Usher syndrome phenotypes | BMC Ophthalmol | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | W | 2.181 |
52 | Dr. Niamat Khan | Current Analytical Strategies in Studying Chromatin-Associated-Proteome (Chromatome). | Molecules | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | W | 4.411 |
53 | Dr. Niamat Khan | Novel mutations in PDE6A and CDHR1 cause retinitis pigmentosa in Pakistani families. | Int J Ophthalmol. | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | X | 1.57 |
54 | Dr. Niamat Khan | Salmonella Typhi from Northwest Pakistan: Molecular Strain Typing and Drug Resistance Signature. | Microb Drug Resist | Biotechnology & GE | 2022 | X | 3.431 |
55 | Dr. Niamat Khan | Fragile X premutation carrier screening in Pakistani preconception women in primary care consultation. | BMC Women's Health | Biotechnology & GE | 2022 | W | 1.353 |
56 | Dr. Niamat Khan | Maternal FMR1 alleles expansion in newborns during transmission: a prospective cohort study | Pediatric Research | Biotechnology & GE | 2022 | W | 3.75 |
57 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | A novel mutation in homeobox DNA binding domain of HOXC13 gene underlies pure hair and nail ectodermal dysplasia (ECTD9) in a Pakistani family | BMC Medical Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.103 |
58 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Identification and in silico analysis of GALNS mutations causing Morquio A syndrome in eight consanguineous families | Turk J Biol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 1.452 |
59 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Ophthalmo-genetic analysis of Pakistani patients with nonsyndromic oculocutaneous albinism through whole exomese quenching | J Pak Med Assoc | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 0.781 |
60 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | CTX-M-15 and OXA-10 beta lactamases in multi drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: First report from Pakistan | Microbial Pathogenesis | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 3.738 |
61 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Homozygous SLCO2A1 Translation Initiation Codon Mutation in a Pakistani Family with Recessive Isolated Congenital Nail Clubbing (ICNC) | Br J Dermatol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 9.302 |
62 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Molecular genetic analysis of consanguineous families with primary microcephaly identified pathogenic variants in the ASPM gene | Journal of Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 1.166 |
63 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Novel sequence variants in the MKKS gene cause Bardet-Biedl syndrome with intra- and inter-familial variable phenotypes | Congenit Anom (Kyoto) | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | |
64 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | A novel mutation in the HPGD gene causing primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy with digital clubbing in a Pakistani family | Annals of Human Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 1.67 |
65 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Pakistan Genetic Mutation Database (PGMD); A centralized Pakistani mutome data source | European J of Medical Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 2.468 |
66 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Novel mutations in ALDH1A3 associated with autosomal recessive anophthalmia/microphthalmia, and review of the literature | BMC Medical Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 2.103 |
67 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Mutation in Phospholipase C, δ1 (PLCD1) gene underlies hereditary leukonychia in a Pashtun family and review of the literature | Balkan J of Medical Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 0.519 |
68 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Novel autosomal recessive LAMA3 and PLEC variants underlie junctional epidermolysis bullosa generalized intermediate and epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy in two consanguineous families | Clin Exp Dermatol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 3.47 |
69 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Molecular Characterization of β-Thalassemia Mutations Via the Amplification Refractory Mutation System-Polymerase Chain Reaction Method at the North Waziristan Agency, Pakistan | Hemoglobin | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 0.849 |
70 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Whole exome sequencing identifies a novel dominant missense mutation underlying leukonychia in a Pakistani family. | J Hum Genet. | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 3.172 |
71 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Novel candidate genes and variants underlying autosomal recessive neurodevelopmental disorders with intellectual disability. | Human Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 4.132 |
72 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Novel Sequence Variants in the MKKS Gene Cause Bardet-Biedl Syndrome with Intra- and Inter-Familial Variable Phenotypes | CongenitAnom | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 1.409 |
73 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Variants in KIAA0825 underlie autosomal recessive postaxial polydactyly | Hum Genet | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 4.132 |
74 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Genetic studies of multiple consanguineous Pakistani families segregating oculocutaneous albinism identified novel and reported mutations | Ann Hum Genet | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 1.67 |
75 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Biallelic mutations in the LPAR6 gene causing autosomal recessive wooly hair/hypotrichosis phenotype in five Pakistani families | Int J Dermatol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 2.736 |
76 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | A novel pathogenic missense variant in CNNM4 underlying Jalili syndrome: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations | Mol Genet Genomic Med | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 2.183 |
77 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Deleterious Variants in WNT10A, EDAR, and EDA Causing Isolated and Syndromic Tooth Agenesis: A Structural Perspective from Molecular Dynamics Simulations | Int J Mol Sci | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 5.923 |
78 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Genetic study of Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa resident Pakistani families presenting primary microcephaly with intellectual disability | J Pak Med Assoc | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 0.781 |
79 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Association of sequence variants in frizzled-6 with autosomal recessive nail dysplasia (NDNC-10) in Pashtun families | J Pak Med Assoc | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 0.781 |
80 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | A novel missense variant in the BBS7 gene underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome in a consanguineous Pakistani family | Clin Dysmorphol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 0.816 |
81 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Homozygous variants of EDAR underlying hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in three consanguineous families | Eur J Dermatol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 3.328 |
82 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | A novel nonsense variant in SLC24A4 causing a rare form of amelogenesis imperfecta in a Pakistani family | BMC Med Genet | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 2.103 |
83 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Genetic Spectrum of Syndromic and Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss in Pakistani Families | Genes (Basel) | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | W | 4.096 |
84 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | The molecular genetics of UV-Sensitive syndrome: A rare dermal anomaly | J Pak Med Assoc | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | W | 0.781 |
85 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Homozygosity mapping coupled with whole-exome sequencing and protein modelling identified a novel missense mutation in GUCY2D in a consanguineous Pakistani family with Leber congenital amaurosis | Journal of Genetics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | W | 1.161 |
86 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | A novel protein truncating mutation in L2HGDH causes L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria in a consanguineous Pakistani family | Metab Brain Dis | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | W | 3.584 |
87 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Mutation screening of multiple Pakistani MCPH families revealed novel and recurrent protein-truncating mutations of ASPM | Biotechnol Appl Biochem | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | W | 2.431 |
88 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Novel Homozygous Mutations in the Genes TGM1, SULT2B1, SPINK5 and FLG in Four Families Underlying Congenital Ichthyosis | Genes (Basel) | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | W | 4.096 |
89 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Novel splicing‐site mutation in DCAF17 gene causing Woodhouse‐Sakati syndrome in a large consanguineous family | J of Clinical Laboratory Analysis | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | W | 2.352 |
90 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Whole Exome Sequencing Confirms Molecular Diagnostics of Three Pakhtun Families With Autosomal Recessive Epidermolysis Bullosa | Frontiers in Pediatrics | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | W | 3.418 |
91 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | The First Report of a Missense Variant in RFX2 Causing Non-Syndromic Tooth Agenesis in a Consanguineous Pakistani Family | Frontiers in Genetics | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | W | 4.599 |
92 | Dr. Saadullah Khan | Biallelic variants in WARS1 cause a highly variable neurodevelopmental syndrome and implicate a critical exon for normal auditory function | Hum Mutation | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2022 | W | 4.7 |
93 | Dr. Bibi Shamim Saleha | Awareness of diverse bacterial flora distribution causing pneumonia in Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | Biotechnolgy & Genetic Engineering | 2017 | ||
94 | Dr. Bibi Shamim Saleha | Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a Powerful Biofilm Producer and Positive Action of Amikacin Against Isolates From Chronic Wounds | Jundishapur J Microbiol. | Biotechnolgy & Genetic Engineering | 2017 | ||
95 | Dr. Bibi Shamim Saleha | Bacterial Contribution in Chronicity of Wounds: A review | Microbial Ecology | Biotechnolgy & Genetic Engineering | 2017 | ||
96 | Dr. Bibi Shamim Saleha | Genetic Defects Underlie the Non-syndromic Autosomal Recessive Intellectual Disability: a review | Open Life Sciences | Biotechnolgy & Genetic Engineering | 2017 | ||
97 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Biodegradation of petroleum by bacteria isolated from fishes of Indian oceanBiodegradation of petroleum by bacteria isolated from fishes of Indian ocean | Brazilian Journal of Biology | Biotechnology | 2021 | X | 1.32 |
98 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Molecular Characterization, and production of bacterial amylases from Shahdara Springs, Pakistan | Applied Ecology and Environmental Research | Biotechnology | 2020 | X | 0.86 |
99 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Association of serotype with antimicrobial resistance patterns among Shigella flexneri isolates from Pakistan: The importance of serotype 2b | Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal | Biotechnology | 2020 | W | 3.05 |
100 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Protease producing Pseudeumonas aeruginosa strain IBC-2 from coal mines of Aorakzai Agency, Pakistan | Applied Ecology and Environmental Research | Biotechnology | 2019 | X | 0.86 |
101 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Biochemical Identification of Lactobacilli from chicken intestine and their potential probiotic activity | Pure and Applied Biology | Biotechnology | 2019 | Y | NA |
102 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Evaluation of crude saponins, methanolic extract and subsequent fractions from Isodonrugosus Wall. Ex Benth: potentials of antiangeogenesis in egg and anti-tumourigenesis in potato | Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Biotechnology | 2019 | Y | 0.87 |
103 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Elemental, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of a medicinal plant Sorgham Halepense | Pure and Applied Biology | Biotechnology | 2019 | Y | NA |
104 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Assessment of biochemical parameters and genotoxicity of rice (Oryza sativa) variation treated with zinc sulfate and boric acid | International Journal of Agriculture and Biology | Biotechnology | 2018 | NA | NA |
105 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Traditional medicines and their in-vitro proof against Stapylococcus aureus in Pakistan | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | Biotechnology | 2018 | X | 2.62 |
106 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Incidence of human plasmodiasis in Northern and Southern Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan | Pakistan Journal of Zoology | Biotechnology | 2018 | X | 0.78 |
107 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Aberrant promoter methylation status is associated with up-regulation of E2F4 gene in Breast Cancer | Oncology Letters | Biotechnology | 2018 | X | 2.97 |
108 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Molecular Characterization and growth optimization of halo-tolerant amylase producing bacteria isolated from salt mines of Karak, Pakistan | Pure and applied Biology | Biotechnology | 2017 | Y | NA |
109 | Dr. Nawab Ali | CTX-M-15 and OXA-10 beta lactamases in multi drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: First report from Pakistan | Microbial Pathogenesis | Biotechnology | 2017 | W | 3.79 |
110 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Phytochemical profile, antimicrobial potential and GC-MS analysis of wild variety of Olea Europaea(Olive) cultivated in Pakistan | Pure and Applied Biology | Biotechnology | 2017 | Y | NA |
111 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Molecular detection of rifampicin resistance by GeneXpert assay among treated and untreated pulmonary tuberculosis patients from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan | Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance | Biotechnology | 2017 | X | 3.24 |
112 | Dr. Nawab Ali | Molecular prevalence of hepatitis Cvirus genotypes in district Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan |
Pure and Applied Biology | Biotechnology | 2017 | Y | NA |
113 | Dr. Zia Ur Rehman | Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Enhance the Tolerance and Remediation Potential of Bacillus spp. against Heavy Metal Stress | Adsorption Science & Technology | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 2021 | W | 4.232 |
114 | Dr. Zia Ur Rehman | Synergistic Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Bacteria Reduce Heavy Metals Toxicity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant. | Toxics | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 2021 | W | 4.546 |
115 | Dr. Zia Ur Rehman | Phosphatidic acid-mediated binding and mammalian cell internalization of the Vibrio cholerae cytotoxin MakA. | Plos Pathogens | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 2021 | W | 7.464 |
116 | Dr. Zia Ur Rehman | Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Pregnant Women of Lakki Marwat and Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. | Pakistan Journal of Zoology | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 2020 | X | 0.831 |
117 | Dr. Zia Ur Rehman | Endocytosis and Endosomal Escape of Gene Delivery Vectors. | Accounts of Chemical Research | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 2019 | W | 22.38 |
118 | Dr. Zia Ur Rehman | Barriers and recent advances in non-viral vectors targeting the lungs for cystic fibrosis gene therapy | Nanomedicine Journal | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 2019 | Y | |
119 | Dr. Zia Ur Rehman | Bio- assessment and remediation of arsenic (arsenite As-III) in water by Euglena gracilis. | J Appl Phycol | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 2018 | W | 3.016 |
120 | Dr. Zia Ur Rehman | CTX-M-15 and OXA-10 beta lactamases in multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: First report from Pakistan. | Microb Pathog | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.914 |
121 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | ombined effect of Zinc oxide nanoparticles and Bacteria on osmolytes and anti-oxidative parameters of rice (Oryza sativa. L) plant grown in heavy metals contaminated water. | Adsorption Science & Technology | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2022 | 4.2 | |
122 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Genome-wide study and expression analysis of Nodule-inception-like protein (NLP) gene family in Physcomitrella patens reveal its role in nitrogen response. | Pak. J. Bot. | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2022 | 1.2 | |
123 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Combine Effect of ZnO NPs and Bacteria on Protein and Gene’s Expression Profile of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant. | Adsorption Science & Technology | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2022 | 4.4 | |
124 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Biological control of fungal pathogens of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) by chitinolytic bacterial strains. | Journal of Basic Microbiology | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2022 | 2.28 | |
125 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Zinc oxide nanoparticles enhance the tolerance and remediation potential of Bacillus spp. against heavy metals stress | Adsorption Science & Technology | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | 4.4 | |
126 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Combined Application of Two Bacillus Species Enhance Phytoremediation Potential of Brassica napus in an Industrial Metal-Contaminated Soil. | International Journal of Phytoremediation | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | 3.21 | |
127 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Bacteria Reduce Heavy Metals Toxicity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant | Toxics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | 4.37 | |
128 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Chromium (VI)Induced LeafBased Deferential Physiological, Metabolic and Microstructural Changes in Two Transgenic Cotton Cultivars (J208, Z905) and Their Hybrid Line (ZD14). | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | 2.17 | |
129 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Multivariate geo-statistical perspective: Evaluation of agricultural soil contaminated by industrial estate's effluents. | Environmental Geochemistry and Health | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | 3.47 | |
130 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Assessment of heavy metal tolerance and reduction potential of bacillus sp. isolated from the soils contaminated with industrial effluents. | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | 0.7 | |
131 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Biosynthesized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) Mitigate Arsenic Toxicity in Rice Seedlings. | Toxics | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | 4.37 | |
132 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Plant-Derived Smoke Affects Biochemical Mechanism in Plants. | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | 4.56 | |
133 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Remediating effect of smoke solution on Shoot of two rice (oryza sativa l.) Cultivars Under lead contaminated water. | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | 0.7 | |
134 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Bacteria; An Efficient Bioremediator of Heavy Metals. | Journal of Bio-Molecular Sciences | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | ||
135 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Smoke regulates GA and ABA responsive cis-elements in germinating rice seeds. | Pakistan Journal of Botany | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | 1.2 | |
136 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Effect of nickel on the germination and biochemical parameters of two rice varieties. | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | 0.7 | |
137 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Role of halotolerant and chitinolytic bacteria in phytoremediation of saline soil using spinach plant, | International Journal of Phytoremediation | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | 2.57 | |
138 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Pesticide-Induced Physiological, Metabolic and ultramorphological Alterations in Leaves of Young Maize Seedlings. | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2020 | 1.38 | |
139 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Bacillus Cereus enhanced phytoremediation ability of rice seedlings under Cadmium toxicity. | BioMed Research International | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | 2.58 | |
140 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | In situ Impact of the Antagonistic Fungal Strain, Trichoderma gamsii T30 on the Plant Pathogenic Fungus, Rhizoctonia solani in Soil. | Polish Journal of Microbiology | Biotechnology & GE | 2019 | 1.38 | |
141 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Effect of planting density on yield and yield components in different castor beans varieties (Ricinus communis L). | Life Science Journal | Biotechnology & GE | 2019 | ||
142 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Molecular Responses of Maize Shoot to a Plant Derived Smoke Solution. International | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Biotechnology & GE | 2019 | 4.56 | |
143 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Biochemical and molecular characterizations of salt and phytohormones-induced changes in roots and shoots of rice seedlings. | Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Biotechnology & GE | 2018 | 0.8 | |
144 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Effect of wastewater on physiological and biochemical characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.). | Intercienia Journal | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | 0.28 | |
145 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Antifungal potential of Trichoderma strains originated from north western regions of Pakistan against the plant pathogens. | Pakistan Journal of Botany | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | 0.8 | |
146 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Heavy metals induced lipid peroxidation in spinach mediated with microbes. | Pakistan Journal of Botany | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | 0.8 | |
147 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Pb-induced changes in roots of two cultivated rice cultivars grown in lead-contaminated soil mediated by smoke. | Environment Science and Pollution Research | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | 3.31 | |
148 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Bacillus safensis with Plant Derived Smoke stimulates Rice growth under Saline Conditions. | Environment Science and Pollution Research | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | 3.31 | |
149 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Analysis of salinity tolerance potential in synthetic hexaploid wheat. | Pakistan Journal of Botany | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | 0.8 | |
150 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Physiological and biochemical responses of maize (zea mays l.) to plant derived smoke solution. | Pakistan Journal of Botany | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | 0.8 | |
151 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Molecular prevalence of hepatitis C virus genotypes in district Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. | Pure and Applied Biology | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | ||
152 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Smoke Priming Regulates Growth and the Expression of Myeloblastosis and Zinc-Finger Genes in Rice under Salt. | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | 1.7 | |
153 | Dr. Muhammad Jamil | Halophilic bacteria mediated phytoremediation of salt-affected soils cultivated with rice. | Journal of Geochemical Exploration | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | 3.37 | |
154 | Abid JAN | Homozygous SLCO2A1 translation initiation codon mutation in a Pakistani family with recessive isolated congenital nail clubbing | Br J Dermatol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 11.11 |
155 | Abid JAN | Sequence variants in nine different genes underlying rare skin disorders in 10 consanguineous families | Int J Dermatol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.73 |
156 | Abid JAN | Sequence variants in four genes underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome in consanguineous families | Mol Vis | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 2.4 |
157 | Abid JAN | Exome sequencing reveals a novel homozygous splice site variant in the WNT1 gene underlying osteogenesis imperfecta type 3 | Pediatr Res | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 3.4 |
158 | Abid JAN | Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome and Profound Deafness Resulted by Sequence Variants in the EVC2 and TMC1 Genes in a Consanguineous Family and EvC syndrome by a Compound Heterozygous variant in the EVC Gene in a Non-Consanguineous Family | J Genet | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2017 | W | 4.3 |
159 | Abid JAN | Novel autosomal recessive LAMA3 and PLEC variants underlie junctional epidermolysis bullosa generalized intermediate and epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy in two consanguineous families | Clin Exp Dermatol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 3.5 |
160 | Abid JAN | A variant in LMX1A causes autosomal recessive severe-to-profound hearing impairment | Hum Genet | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 4.1 |
161 | Abid JAN | Sequence variants in GDF5 and TRPS1 underlie brachydactyly and tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome type III | Pediatr Int | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2018 | W | 1.5 |
162 | Abid JAN | Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome in a family is associated with a homozygous start loss mutation in the DCAF17 gene | Clin Exp Dermatol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 3.5 |
163 | Abid JAN | A novel homozygous sequence variant in GLI1 underlies first case of autosomal recessive pre-axial polydactyly | Clin Genet | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2019 | W | 4.4 |
164 | Abid JAN | Novel mutations in PDE6A and CDHR1 cause retinitis pigmentosa in Pakistani families | Int J Ophthalmol | Biotechnolgy & Gentic Engineering | 2021 | W | 1.8 |
165 | Rehan Naeem | High throughput DNA extraction and optimization of PCR efficiency for barley SSRs genotyping | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | Biotechnology & GE | 2017 | ||
166 | Rehan Naeem | Antimicrobial and Antiurease Potential of Diorganotin (IV) Schiff Bases | Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Biotechnology & GE | 2018 | ||
167 | Rehan Naeem | Genetic diversity among asparagus species and cultivars using SSR markers. | Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management | Biotechnology & GE | 2018 | ||
168 | Rehan Naeem | Genetic diversity among Asparagus species using morphological characteristics and RAPD markers in Pakistan. | Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management | Biotechnology & GE | 2019 | ||
169 | Rehan Naeem | Pesticide-induced physiological, metabolic and ultramorphological alterations in leaves of young maize seedlings. | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies | Biotechnology & GE | 2020 | ||
170 | Rehan Naeem | Cornus macrophylla, the Antibacterial Activity of Organic Leaf Extracts and the Characterization of the More Lipophilic Components by GC/MS | Molecules | Biotechnology & GE | 2020 | ||
171 | Rehan Naeem | Assessment of heavy metal tolerance and reduction potential of Bacillus sp. isolated from the soils contaminated with industrial effluents. | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 | ||
172 | Rehan Naeem | Assessment of Microsatellite Markers (SSRs) For Genetic Diversity in Asparagus Officinalis L. And Allied Species. | Bangladesh Journal of Botany | Biotechnology & GE | 2021 |