Research Projects

Research Projects (Ongoing)




Funding Source

Total cost (Rs.)

Dr. Ghazala Nawaz

Can we enhance chloroplast activity by regulating RNA Binding Protein under stress conditions in wheat.                

HEC (NRPU)       

3.69 Million

Dr. Nadia Taimor

Phytotoxicity of human and health risk assessment of chicken manure application as fertilizer.               


3.98 Million

Dr. Muhammad Adnan

Investigate the impact of water harvesting on groundwater quality using GIS and remote sensing in district Kohat.

National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC)   0.1 Million


Research Projects (Completed)



Funding Source

Total cost (Rs.)

Dr. Muhammad Adnan

Diversity and biological efficacy of ethnobotanically used polyherbal mixtures against gastrointestinal infections in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

 ORIC, KUST  0.59 Million

Dr. Ghazala Nawaz

Role of Glutathione in inducing tolerance in crops against abiotic- or heavy metal stress.

HEC (SRGP)        

0.435 Million

Dr. AzizUllah

An integrated approach to improve water quality in war-affected areas of southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and adjacent tribal agencies, Pakistan

International Foundation for Science

11800 (USD)

Dr. Ghazala Nawaz

Assessment of plant derived smoke solution for inducing relative expression patterns of the genes encoding chloroplast-targeted RNA binding proteins in wheat  

KUST (ORIC)      

0.75 Million

Dr. Muhammad. Waqas

Utilizing the bulking agent potential of weed biomass for the bioconversion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste to organic fertilizer

HEC (SRGP)        

0.345 Million

Dr. Tariq Sardar

Snow Avalanche and Land Sliding based proneness assessment of selected sites in Pakistan Northern zone with application of RS/GIS and associated simulation’

HEC (SRGP)        

0.325 Million

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