The Faculty of Biological Sciences comprises of six departments, Biotechnology, Botany, Environmental Sciences, Microbiology, Pharmacy and Zoology. All of these departments except Pharmacy offer undergraduate and graduate programmes leading to BS, MSc, MS/MPhil, and PhD degrees. The Environmental Sciences and Pharmacy departments offer only BS and Pharm-D programme respectively.
The faculty is fairly rich and well-resourced in terms of students, academic staff, and research facilities. The slogan of KUST “research based teaching” could be seen implemented in true letter and spirit in our Faculty. Teaching is complimented with the high quality research, making full use of the recently installed high-tech equipment worth millions of rupees. These include: HPLC, DNA Sequencer, RT-PCR, 2-D Gel Electrophoresis and SDS- PAGE Protein Analysis, Gel Documentation, Double Beam Spectrophotometers, Fermentor, Flame Photometer, Photosynthesis Meter, Leaf Area Meter, Water Potential Meter, Autoclave (various capacities), Growth Chambers and Incubators of various sizes, ultra-low temperature Freezers, Centrifuge, and Optical Microscopes of various magnifications. Recently, established Proteomics and LEDs Labs have not only set new trends but also increased research capacity of the faculty. Furthermore, research projects worth tens of millions are either in progress or near to completion, indicating active involvement of its faculty and graduate students in research.
The Faculty of Biological Sciences, with the hard work of its faculty and students, has been producing competent and well qualified graduates. In a short span of time, it has grown and developed into an educational center with emphasis on excellence, innovation, and high quality education with no compromise on discipline. The Faculty of Biological Sciences would surely continue its progress with the same zeal. It would not only continue to produce highly trained human resource to meet the socio-economic and developmental needs of our society but would also produce research work of international standards.