Microbiology department was established in September 2003 and since then has made significant advancements in almost every sphere of academics as well as research. At present the department consists of total fourteen faculty members and five non teaching staff. As being the first biological sciences department, established in the KUST, we owe to our distinction, the dedication to excellence in research and teaching, outstanding therefore in attracting a large numbers of students at the undergraduate as well as at the graduate and doctoral levels. We take pride in launching our trainees into successful and productive main stream careers, as abundant qualified graduates are serving in various capacities at different private and public sector organizations of the country.
The department focuses on the applied aspect of microbiology relevant to the needs in local and regional environment. In perspective of the flourishing and ever growing scope of microbiology, the department today is equipped with modern state of the art tools and laboratories. Moreover the students and faculty are provided opportunity to participate in national and international workshops and conferences for their career enhancement. With the concerted efforts of all the stakeholders, we aspire to achieve very soon the position of center of excellence and information resource in accordance to the market needs in almost all the fields of microbiology such as medical microbiology, industrial microbiology, agriculture microbiology, environmental microbiology, microbial genetics and recombinant DNA technology.