The need of Social Sciences was realized in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan right from its independence but the idea of doing good to the needy persons of the society and well-being of the underprivileged is prevalent in the basic teachings of the great religion Islam and of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him. When Pakistan came into being in 1947, it has faced many problems such as lack of resources, lack of manpower, various Social Problems like poverty, illiteracy, poor health, unemployment, crime, child labour, beggary, agricultural problem etc. The experts from United Nations were invited in early 1950. They worked out the strategy and advised the Government to introduce the subject of Social Work at Graduate and Postgraduate level. It is an applied Social Science where the students are taught the basic methods to help the people and organize them to help themselves in solving their problems at individual, group and community level.
In 1953, the subject of Social Work was started in the University of Punjab, in 1956 in the University of Karachi, in 1974 in the University of Quetta- Baluchistan, and in December 1976 in the University of Peshawar. Similarly, the subject of Sociology was introduced in Pakistani Universities at various times and finally in 1982 the Department of Social Work University of Peshawar started Postgraduate degree programme in sociology also. In 1994 the Discipline of Sociology got independent status as Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Peshawar in this province. While considering the importance and need of Social Work and Sociology, Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST) decided to introduce these subjects, and the Department of Social Work and Sociology was established in September 2007.