In the modern era the concept and role of a University is changed from the traditional one, where teaching and learning was the only manifesto. In addition to this fundamental aim the universities are now expected to build societies, leaderships, skills, researches and communications and, bring out all creative potentials of an area’s human and natural resources for its development. Indoctrination of this conception within the teachers, students and general population (directly or indirectly) is the primary goal of Kohat University of Science and Technology Hangu Campus, which contrivance to spread the beacon of knowledge at the width and breadth of the country.  In this regard Hangu Campus of Kohat University of science & technology is established on 20 February 2017. The Campus is located at a beautiful place; main Thall road near the newly established district headquarter medical complex. At present Hangu Campus offers BS Programmes in three discipline; Computer Science (BSCS), Management Sciences (BBA) and BS English. The establishment of Hangu Campus is a mile stone in providing education at "door step". The Campus is definitely serving as a cradle of education for the people of not only district Hangu but also for the people of adjoining Tribal areas i.e. Orakazai, Kurram & North Waziristan agencies. The campus is growing day by day as qualified faculty and staff members are pouring in, besides state of the art technical developments.

The campus is a student-focused environment providing all the possible means for nurturing their creative abilities, intellectual height, professional elevation and moral loftiness. We are committed to bring new disciplines, expert faculty and proud graduates in the days ahead. Conscious measures are taken to make the campus compatible to national and international standards, and realize our dreams in a tangible output.

I wish to provide such a research environment in future which will attract students from all over the country in their relevant fields. Due to the current progress and developments I visualize Hangu Campus to be a full-fledge University in the near future Inshallah.

Last but not least, the people of Hangu deserve special congratulations on the establishment of the university sub Campus. With the support of the people of Hangu, the Sub Campus will grow in strength In sha Allah.

May Allah guide us in the right direction.


Hangu, Campus KUST