In view of the Minutes of the COVID-19 Committee Meeting held on 16th December 2020, it is circulated that the Graduate Research Scholars (Legal Boarders of B1, B2, G1 & G2) having Lab work are allowed to reside in Hostels after 10th January 2021 subject to the following conditions.
- The Research Scholars shall have to submit to the concerned Warden/Manager applications recommended by the supervisor and endorsed by the HOD.
- The Wardens/Managers of B-1 & B-2 Hostels are directed not to allow any illegal student in the hostels, only the above mentioned legal research boarders will be allowed.
- The Hostel Administration will ensure that the hostels are in functional conditions in terms of Electricity Supply from WAPDA & Generator, Water Supply from Tube well & Borings, cleanliness of entire hostel and the availability of hostel & canteen staff.
- The hostel administration will ensure the following COVID-19 SOP to be implemented strictly in all the hostels.
- Wearing mask is mandatory for all Boarders, Hostel & Canteen staff in the Hostel premises. Moreover, “No Mask, No Entry” banner will be pasted on the gate of each Hostel.
- Hand shaking/ Hugging are strictly prohibited in the hostel premises.
- Social distancing of 6 Ft. from each other to be observed in the hostel premises, including Hostels’ canteens.
- Disposable crockery will be used in the Hostels’ canteens.
- The Dy. Director of Administration is requested to provide Thermal Guns & Sanitizers for each Hostel and also arrange spray in the hostels once before the opening of Hostels and on weekly basis in routine.
No Entry/ Exit from 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM in Boys Hostels (B-1 & B-2).
- The Director Administration is requested to direct the Guards/Chowkidars at KUST main Gate not to allow students’ Entry/ Exit from 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM.
- Director works is requested to ensure water supply from the tube well. Moreover, the repair work (in process) of washrooms’ doors must be expedited in B-1 Hostel so that the students may not face any problem.
Dy. Provost