The Head of respective teaching department reserves the right to refuse/ cancel the admission of candidates at any stage or revoke the degree who obtained his/ her admission by making any misstatement or concealing a material fact particularly regarding his/ her age, domicile, marks obtained, degree, or due to any other valid reason. Appeal against any such decision can be made to the University Admission Appellate Committee. Such cancellation shall be notified on the notice board and shall be immediately communicated to the candidate concerned through registered post on the address as mentioned in the admission form. The Admission Appellate Committee will be constituted of 5 members, headed by Dean or Senior Faculty member, three faculty members, and Director Academics as Secretary/members duly approved by the Vice Chancellor.
The condition of receipt/issuance of migration certificate has been relaxed for those candidates/students who are registered for 02 degree programmes simultaneously as per the HEC policy.