1. In case of students already registered with KUST, registration fee and other fees will be charged as prescribed. However, the earlier depositedregistration fee, if any, will be refunded/adjusted. The original registration number will remain intact.
  2. If a student wants to cancel his / her admission, then the refund of fee shall be made on the submission of written application on a judicial paper worth Rs. 50/-, duly attested by oath commissioner as per following details.
%age of fee Timeline for Semester System Timeline for Annual System
Full 100% Fee Refund Up to 7th day of commencement of Classess Up to 15th day of commencement of classes
Half 50% Fee Refund From8th-15th day of commencement of classes From   16th -30th day of commencement of classes
No Fee 0% Refund From 16th day of Commencement of Classes From 31st day of commencement of classes

Provided that any student who has got readmission within seven days of the 1st admission to another discipline/program/department shall transfer the deposit fee to such new discipline/program/department.