The academic standing of a student is referred to in terms of a Grade Point Average (GPA). To calculate the GPA, the total number of grade points earned is divided
by the total number of credit hours registered. The maximum possible GPA is 4.00. For calculating semester GPA (SGPA), the total number of grade points earned in a semester is divided by the total number of credit hours registered in the semester. For working out the cumulative GPA (CGPA), the total number of grade points earned in all the semesters (counting the better grade in case of a repeat course) is divided by the total number of credit hours registered in all the semester (excluding the earlier credit hours for a repeat course). The credits transferred shall be counted towards the degree requirement and GPA of the transferred credits shall not be counted towards the calculation of CGPA, the CGPA will be calculated on the basis of courses studied at KUST.