In case a student is not satisfied with the decision of the rechecking committee, he may apply to the Semester Appellate Committee through KCMS within one week of the decision. The semester Appellate Committee shall consist of the following:
- Senior Dean-Convener
- All Deans -Members
- 02 Professors ( other than the Deans to be nominated by the Academic Council)- Member
- Director Academics-Member/ Secretary
- The quorum of the committee shall be five members and tenure of the members other than the ex-officio shall be three years. The Directorate of Academics shall be responsible to arrange such a meeting in view of the request made of KCMS by the end of fourth week and must ensure the availability of the record (answers booklets / question papers etc) for the consumption of the Appellate Committee.
- The committee may co-opt experts in the relevant subject with the approval of the Vice Chancellor on the recommendations of the concerned Dean.
- The Committee may hear both sides i.e. student and instructor /committee.
- The recommendations of the Appellate Committee with the approval of the Vice Chancellor shall be considered final and binding on all parties.