- The time, date and venue for the mid-semester test(s), conducted around the middle of the semester, shall be announced on the first day of the courseby the respective Instructor/course-coordinator.
- The date sheet for the final examinations of all the courses offered for the semester students at KUST shall be announced as per published Academic Calendar, at least one week in advance, by the concerned Departments/Institutes. This will ensure that students registered in a course from different disciplines do not get 02 papers at one time.
- The instructor shall be present on the date of the examination of his course. In case of his absence, HoD shall be informed well in advance who shall make necessary arrangements.
- It is the responsibility of the HoD to arrange for the invigilation staff to assist the instructor/course-coordinator in the smooth conduct of the exam. Seating plan shall be posted on the main notice boards and on the front door of each examination room at least fifteen minutes before the start of the paper. The instructor/course-coordinator along with the invigilation staff shall be present at the examination center at least ten minutes before the starting time of the paper. The instructor/course-coordinator shall make sure that all the students are seated according to the seating plan.
- The answer booklets shall be signed by the course instructor and shall be distributed at least five minutes before the start of the paper. Before the starting time of the paper, question paper shall not be distributed among the students. During these five minutes students shall be asked to write down their registration numbers on the answer booklets. The course instructor shall sign every extra sheet before giving it to the students.
- The time of a paper shall start from the time all the students get the question paper. The Instructor/course-coordinator may explain any ambiguity in the question paper, if needed, only in the first thirty minutes of the paper. Thereafter, no question about the paper during the examination hours shall be asked or answered.
- Latecomers may be allowed to write their exam provided it is not more than thirty minutes. However, no extra time may be given to the latecomers.
- Every effort shall be made to ensure the smooth conduct of the examinations. Students shall not be provided with an opportunity to violate the sanctity of examination. In case of any violation, the matter must be reported immediately to the HoD who shall forward the case without any delay to the Departmental Discipline Committee so that prompt action may be taken to minimize such incidents in future. The recommendations of DDC shall be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations through the office of the concerned Dean. S the recommendations of DDC, depending on the severity of the case, may include fine, an F grade in the paper, cancellation of the full exam, expulsion from the University for one semester, one whole academic year, or from the degree programme and barring from future admission into any programme offered at KUST.
- Students shall not be allowed to go out of the examination hall under normal circumstances during the examination hours. Arrangements for drinking water may be made at the examination centre.
- The use of unfair-means (cheating, copying, plagiarism, etc) at all level of assessment (homework, quizzes, case-studies, lab-reports, project reports, field work, presentations, mid-semester, final exams, etc) shall lead to strict disciplinary action including expulsion from the University. All such cases shall be referred immediately to the Un-Fair Means (UFM) Committee through the HoD and CoE. The Committee in such cases shall submit its recommendations to the Competent Authority well before the declaration of the final result.