Alongside mid-semester tests and final (end of semester examinations), academic performance of students at KUST is regularly evaluated through some of the following


  • Regular quizzes (usually un-announced, short written class test of duration not more than 30 minutes)
    • Assignments (homework)
    • Class participation
    • Case studies
    • Field trips
    • Report (lab, internship)
    • Presentation
    • Thesis
    • Oral Test/viva voce

The Major Examinations (Mid & Final) of the undergraduate Courses shall not be fully MCQs based; the MCQs in the Mid and Final Examination shall not be more than 20% of the total allocated weightage to the Examination.

The mid-semester test of at least one-hour duration usually covers the course taught up-to-the mid-semester while the end of semester Final examination at least one and half hour duration and shall cover the entire course. The respective course Instructor shall notify the assessment method to the students before the start of the course. The percent weightage allocated to the constituent components depend upon the discretion of the instructor of the course. Each instructor announces his evaluation policy during the first lecture of the course. Normally the Final- examination carries 50% (in case, of course, having no lab work) and 40% (in case, of course, having a lab work) weight of a course. The following example is a guideline for one such distribution at the undergraduate level:

  •  Quizzes:                               10%
  • Homework:                            10%
  • Class Participation:                  5%
  • Mid Semester:                        25% 
  • Final Exam:                            50%

In 04 credit hours 4(3+1) courses students’ performance shall be evaluated by giving 25% weightage to their performance in Lab and 75 % weightage to their

performance in theory. A minimum of 13-15 experiments should be conducted during the semesters where each experiment should be marked out of 10 using the above parameters. This weightage of 25% in Lab shall be determined on the basis of following guidelines: 

  • Quizzes/Presentations/Assignments/Practical/                          15%
  • Lab attendance/ lab report/conduction of experiment during lab
  • Final Examinations/Viva voce                                                 10%

Whereas, the weightage of 75%, in theory, may be determined on the basis of following guidelines:

  • Quizzes:                                            5%
  • Assignment/Presentation:                    5%
  • Class Participation:                             5%
  • Mid-Semester Examination:                 20% 
  • Semester Final Examination:                40%

Missing the final examination shall not automatically leads to an “F” grade in the course. In case of some courses (laboratory courses or project works, for example), however, it may be considered compulsory for the students to appear in the final oral examination, failing which an “F” grade shall be awarded to the student.

There shall be no supplementary / special examination to compensate for the poor performance of a student(s) in the Final/end of semester examination.

A course with F grade shall be repeated in entirety in order to earn credit for it.

An incomplete “I” grade may be awarded by the instructor only in exceptional cases beyond the control of a student such as serious accidents, family tragedy, serious health ailments etc.