An “I” grade may be awarded in a course(s) under the following:

  1. A student could not complete all the requirements of a course within the semester (minor component is outstanding), provided the Instructor(s) concerned is satisfied that it was because of circumstances beyond the student's control. In this case, the Instructor concerned communicates an I grade in the award list submitted to the KCMS and Controller of Examinations.
  2. A student has been advised bed rest by a certified medical doctor (countersigned by the KUST authorized Medical Officer) on the day of the exam, the HoD of the respective Department shall either be approached directly by the student or through the Director (Academics). The HoD shall forward the case to the respective Dean for approval along with the medical certificate duly attested by the KUST Medical Officer (Advisor Studies if the Medical Officer is away for a period longer than a weak). After approval from the Dean, the case will be sent to the Course Instructor through the respective HoD. An “I” grade will be awarded accordingly and communicated to the Controller of Examinations and KCMS record shall be updated. In case the student's result was already submitted to the CoE office without counting the Medical Certificate (or for that matter any other reason accepted and approved genuine by the Competent Authority), the Instructor shall initiate the case for change of Grade ( from the earlier awarded to “I” grade).
  3. In all cases of an “I” grade, the outstanding requirements are to be met by the end of the second week of the next semester. It is the responsibility of the concerned department (course offered by) to make arrangements for the completion of the deficiencies during the specified period and inform the student accordingly. Failing this an “I” grade shall be automatically converted to an “F” grade after the second week of the semester.