Improvement of grade, a student who secures a grade of C-minus or less (in case of an undergraduate student) or a grade of B-minus or less (in case of a graduate student)
may register for repeating the course or courses (in entirety) during any semester before the completion of the requirement set for the degree programme. Once the degree requirements are completed, the undergraduate/graduate students may be allowed to register for any four courses (repeatable grades) in the succeeding 02 regular semesters. If a student is found to have registered for repeating a course that is not allowed, his registration will be canceled and/ or the latest grade earned in the course will be canceled. Such a student will also be liable for disciplinary action. In such cases both repeated courses and new grade obtained will be recorded on the transcript, However, only the better grade shall be calculated in CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), in case of CGPA improvement, it will be recorded with (Imp) on the transcript.
The students who are desirous to repeat a course (s) for improvement over and above his normal workload in a semester then he/she will pay following additional fee:
- For one course irrespective of credit hours Rs. 2,000/-
- For 02 courses irrespective of credit hours Rs. 4,000/-
- For three or more courses irrespective of credit hours Rs. 6.000/-
The ceased students, if allowed for the repeating of course(s) offered by the department/institute/center will pay fee of a normal semester. After completion of degree requirements, if a student is desirous to repeat course(s) for improvement will pay tuition fee for one course irrespective of credit hours Rs. 2000/- as tuition fee along with rest of charges of a semester and for 02 or more courses fee of normal semester will be paid.