Students Code of Honor
Every student shall observe the following code of honor;
- Respect for convictions of others in matters of religious conscience and customs.
- Refraining from indulgence in any activity that lowers the honor and prestige of Pakistan in any way.
- Truthfulness & honesty in dealing with other people.
- Respect for the elders and politeness to all especially to women, children, old people, weak and the helpless.
- Respect for his teachers and other authorities of the University.
- Cleanliness of body, mind speech and habits.
- Helpfulness to fellow beings.
- Devotion to studies and sports.
- Protection & care of public property.
- Conduct & Discipline Rules for Students of KUST
These rules shall be called “KUST student conduct and discipline rules and shall come into force at once.
- Applicability and Commencement
These shall apply to all students on the rolls of the University. - Responsibility of the Staff:
Every Officer (Faculty Member / Administrative Officer) shall have the power to check any disorderly or improper conduct or any breach of the disciplinary rules by the students in any part of the University Campus or constituent College may summarily impose a fine not exceeding Rs.1,000/-. In case the officer feels the gravity of the offense to be more than the authority vested in him through these regulations, he shall report the matter immediately to the concerned HoD for initiating disciplinary procedures. The Departmental Discipline Committee may make recommendation to the HoD who has the authority to impose fine up to Rs. 5,000/- and other punishment described in these regulations. In case the departmental discipline committee could not resolve the issue and find involvement of the university discipline committee essential the HoD shall forward the case accordingly - Proctorial Board
There shall be Proctorial board comprised of the staff and student proctors and headed by the Chief Proctor appointed by the Vice Chancellor for period of 02 years.
The Proctorial board shall take care of the overall discipline of the students in their conduct on the campus as well as during the official study tours, internship, field trips etc as may be introduced /allowed by the University from time to time. In the event of any misconduct the proctorial board shall report the case to the office of the chief proctor for necessary action.