Any candidate found guilty of following matters, his case will be submitted to Unfair Means Cases Committee (Semester system) constituted by relevant Dean. The committee will be constituted of 02 senior faculty members, Director Academic, Controller of Examinations headed by the senior Professor of the university.
- Imposition of Fine to maximum of Rs. 20,000/-
- Submits forged or fake documents in connection with an examination
- Does anything that is immoral or illegal in connection with examination and which may be helpful to him/her in the examination
- Misbehaves or creates any kind of disturbance in or around premises of the examination center
- Uses abusive or obscene language in the answer script
- Possesses any kind of weapon in or around premises of the examination center
- Possesses any kind of electronic device which may be helpful in the examination
- Cancellation of paper
- Willfully Damages (removes a Leaf from his answer book or mutilates) the answer book once during an examination,
- Cheating/copying from paper, book or notes
- Cancellation of Examination
- Repeating b(i)
- Repeating b(ii)
- Expulsion for one semester
- Smoking in Public places
- Possession and Consumption of intoxicants without prescription of authorized medical officers
- Expulsion for 02 semesters
- Possession of Alcoholic Drinks / prohibited drugs
- Possession of fire Arms
- Consumption of Alcoholic drinks / prohibited drugs
- Cancellation of the Admission
- Commits impersonation in the examination.
- Assault on the faculty, staff and students of the university